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Aug 9, 2013
Knotweed Control
I was interested to read in a recent edition of British Wildlife Magazine about a new treatment for knotweed. We invented this method for...
Jul 24, 2013
Horse Chestnut
I’m sitting in a Polish farmhouse, watching the rain fall outside. A tree creeper is working his way busily up the furrowed trunk of a...
Jul 18, 2013
Tree Surgery Advice
Tree surgery adviceI thought it might be useful this time to describe some of the commonly used tree pruning techniques and the...
Jun 9, 2013
Mycorrhizal Root Treatment
For several years now we have been experimenting with mycorrhizal innovation of new tree plantings.It has been so successful , that since...
May 12, 2013
Water Conservation
If the "footprint " of your house is - say - 120 square meters (a small house), then in an average year 95 cubic meters , that is 95...
Mar 31, 2013
Vine Weevil
The vine weevil was recently given the dubious distinction of no.1 garden pest in S.E England, and the rapid spread of this newly arrived...
Aug 16, 2012
Busy Lizzies
A new and very annoying fungal infection has been striking Busy Lizzies (Impatiens) all over Hampstead. It starts as a tiny bit of white...
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